Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Moving On....

Well, a few days after I posted my last entry, I lost my job. So God has used this as a time to bring me closer to Him. I was able to spend a few weeks with my son and his family. It was such a great time, especially the time I got to spend with my grandchildren. Hannah is so smart for her age. Sarah has done an amazing job as a Navy Mom raising her family while Jay is away serving God and our country. My grandson, Sam is such a happy baby and always smiling. I look forward to spending more time with them this year. Well, we'll see what God has in store for me for a job..I've been looking and placing applications, but no nibbles yet. While I've enjoyed the leisurely time, it's stressful trying to make ends meet, first time in my life I've gotten unemployment, so that's helped. God will open a window, when He closed a door. I'll keep looking to Him!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Well, lots has happened since I've written here almost a year ago....I've moved my life to Nashville, TN and have started a life near my brother and his family. I've made new friends and found a great Nazarene church to attend. I've changed careers and am learning life in a call center. I have a 2 yr old granddaughter who's beautiful, along with a 3 month old grandson who's ready to sign up to play football. I have a wonderful son who's on his way home to his family soon and a great daughter in law who is the backbone of their family, holding things together while her hubby serves our great country providing spiritual guidance to those around him who fight to keep us free. God is good all the time...all the time God is good!!!