Friday, August 08, 2008

One Day At A Time....

This has been another week for the books....and another test of my faith...I actually look forward to these times, as it gives glory to my DAD and hopefully lets people see Him work through me. My clutch went in my car yesterday, at a time that I really needed to work....this will work out I know, as He sees fit. It could be a lot worse and I could have been stranded somewhere, but God has put a network of people around that have helped me. It also freed me up to help out today at my church office. I've enjoyed the afternoon and got to see something of how things work around here. It also gives me a chance to give something back to God and the church that has done so much for me in the short time I've been here. Well I suppose I should end this and get ready to leave. Oh, on a happier note, I was given a handicapped cockatiel last Saturday...though the only handicap he has is the one I can far as he's concerned, he doesn't have one...maybe that's the way we need to look at others, not how we see them, but how they perceive themselves.

Till next time....Hannah's Nana

One Day At A Time....