Saturday, July 26, 2008


This has been a week I won't forget....I lost a cockatiel that I had just gotten and the next day, I lost a close friend to cancer. It's a blessing in the sense that Connie is feeling no pain anymore. she was a great person and had a smile that caused her whole face to light up. The world is a sadder place without her in it, but I know that she's in a better place and is cracking jokes with her dad. The Lord has blessed me with another week I've gotten through safely, even though I've ended it with a flat tire. I have great Christian friends that are there when I need them. Gas has come down in a few places which is another blessing...hope it continues decreasing. Got to talk to my son today....he and his family are the greatest blessing I have after my salvation. I know he's counting the days til he and Sarah are together again on a daily basis. In the meantime, I have my parakeet, Ozzie to keep me company til I decide if I'm going to venture into cockatiel land again. Til another time....Wanda

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